This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Mini MAME

1,700 days start to finish...

Log of work completed 2/4/2013 - 3/2/2013

A small plan to build a MAME cabinet that turned into a multi-year project. This project has been finished for a while now, but I have been wanting to document it somewhere. I’ll make a series on here and post as I have time.

February 4, 2013
Cardboard mock-up created

October 1, 2017
Completed cabinets

I came up with the idea for a mini MAME cabinet after seeing a few Atari cabaret cabinets. I like the small form factor, almost portable, sit on a stool, and easy access for kids.

I told a friend about my plans to scratch build a cabinet. A few days later we had a cardboard mock-up (pictured above) and a half thought out plan to build 2 cabinets.

What we ended up with was something very close to the Neo Geo Mini 2-slot cabinet.

Atari Cabaret Cabinets

Original Concept Sketch
Side Panel Measurements

The Plan

In the end we wanted a solid cabinet built without compromise, inside and out. We knew it would take a lot of time especially since we lived about 2 hours apart.

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Categories: Projects